Grab a bargain or sell your gear with Star Auctions.

Insurance salvage and anything you want to sell.

Tap into our Star performing TradeMe page.

Win with $1 No Reserve Auctions

We choose to list our own insurance salvage and other people’s gear at $1 No Reserve auctions because the market lets us know what something is worth.

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Can I view gear before bidding?

Yes, you can view gear before you bid on it.

It’s only fair that you inspect what you’re thinking of buying. That way you can make a fully informed decision if the item is right for you. Viewing is by appointment only, so you need to book an appointment firstThe item’s location will be referenced in the auction. Here are the fine details and contact numbers for each location:

Freight for your item.

What do I do when I win an auction?

Most of our auctions are for vehicles. Below is a list of towing firms that you can call to pick up and deliver your vehicle. For smaller parts and other items, we’ll list freight costs or pickup locations in our auctions.

Add your salvage request here.   Salvage Request

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